Full body workout movements – all without burpees

Full body workouts are going to give you the most rounded hit of exercise, without needing to then split your gym sessions into legs, arms and abs days.
But we all hate burpees.
Rest assured, there is plenty more you can do to get muscles across the body moving.
PTs from community wellness and fitness app, TRUCONNECT by TV.FIT, have shared their three best alternatives.
How to perform:
Start by lying down on the ground with right knee up/right arm up with weight over your head – you’ll keep this weight above your head for the whole sequence.
Sit up with the weight in your top arm, whilst looking up at this weight. This will secure the weight at the top of your shoulder blades ensuring stability.Then pivot the right knee backwards at the same time placing the left arm in line with your hip to the side – the idea is to then shift your weight in one movement to bring the hips up into a bridge with a slight lateral bend.

After this, sweep the front, fully extended leg back to get into a kneeling position, one arm down on the ground, and the weight bearing arm up in a straight line from top to bottom.
Twist up towards the weight bearing side using the obliques to get into an upright kneeling position.
Then stand up tall by pushing through quads and hips.
To finish, reverse the entire journey – step back to lunge, to kneeling, to leg sweep to front, to sitting your hips down, lowering body down so that you’re lying down.
Repeat the whole process whilst holding weight in the opposite arm.

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